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Skip Tracing Missing Debtors and National Bankruptcy Checks

In 2024, Australian household debt remains high, largely due to expensive property markets. Many households are heavily leveraged, raising concerns about financial stability, especially with rising interest rates. For small businesses, the challenge of managing debt is compounded by the need for skip tracing to locate missing debtors, highlighting the broader issues of debt recovery and financial stress in the economy.

How National Bankruptcy Checks Work

The Australian Financial Security Authority applies the nation’s bankruptcy and personal property securities laws on behalf of consumers, business, and the community. Its task includes managing bankrupt persons that are not supposed to obtain credit above $5,485 without first disclosing their situation to their lender. Any person wanting to do national bankruptcy checks may do so by registering on their website, and paying a $15 fee per search.

Unfortunately, many Australian small businesspeople do not know this facility exists, or the persuasive nature of the customer bowls them over to the extent that national bankruptcy checks become irrelevant. Our phones ring daily with calls to help find bankrupt people who have defaulted and skipped town. We are often able to assist, although skip tracing missing debtors is an intensive and time-consuming task.

How We Go About Skip Tracing Missing Debtors

‘Skip tracing’ is the process of finding missing persons who have vanished for a variety of reasons. The somewhat archaic term derives from the term ‘skipper’, being a person who has done just that. It is a painstaking process of collecting every shred of evidence and distilling it into unique, trustworthy bites of data.

We use a variety of information sources to build a ‘skippers’ profile, including conversations with friends, colleagues, family members and neighbours. We also access public and private databases in our search for every available clue. Private detectives, debt collectors, process servers and divorce attorneys all follow the proven method. In fact, we count many of them among our regular skip-tracing clients.

Help with Skip Tracing Missing Debtors and National Bankruptcy Checks

We visit the Australian Financial Security Authority register for national bankruptcy checks daily as a routine part of every missing person investigation and can assist in this regard. We have a dedicated team of skip tracers with enviable experience and success. To access this valuable resource call 1300 553 788 to seek urgent advice, or leave a message on our website and we will respond.

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1300 553 788
